April Updates — Listings & Development

Project Senpai
2 min readApr 15, 2021

Hey there Senpais!


We’ve been hard at work on both development of the platform, as well as getting $SENPAI listed on price tracking websites. As of today we’re officially listed on the following websites:

Each listing is being updated with appropriate links to ensure everyone can reach our social medias, as well as correct statistics, logos, etc.

We achieved getting listed on these tracking websites relatively quickly, as the token itself has only been launched for 15 days total. Thanks for your support that all of you have shown Senpais in making this possible!


The staking contract is nearing completion and will begin testing it shortly. We want to make sure to thoroughly test before launching it to make sure everything works accordingly. After initial testing is complete, an audit will follow for extra assurance on the contract itself.

React Base for the project platform is complete, and at the moment we’re building components on top of it. Once the components needed to launch the platform are built, we’ll be releasing it on our website.

We’ve tested connecting Metamask to the platform successfully and completed the first phase of fetching your owned NFTs from the OpenSea platform. In the second phase, we’ll be building a redeem module that allows users to have the ability to redeem for collection rewards if they meet the requirements!

PS. We’ve been giving away quite a few Bronze Edition NFTs on Twitter as of late, be sure to follow us for a chance to win one!

Join us Senpai!



Project Senpai

Project Senpai is a unique collection of rare NFT Waifus that are Cryptocurrency themed.